Inventory API

1. Getting started

An inventory application

1.1 View Application and Documentation

1.2 Requirements

Before starting, make sure you have at least those components on your workstation:

  • An up-to-date release of Go
  • A database (MongoDB).

1.3 Project configuration

Start by cloning this project on your workstation.

git clone 

The next thing will be to install all the dependencies of the project.

cd inventory-api
go get 

Once the dependencies are installed, you can now configure your project by creating a new .env file containing your environment variables used for development.

cp .env.example .env
vi .env

1.4 Running the app

You are now ready to launch the go application using the command below.

# Run the
$ go run main.go

You can now head to http://localhost:5000/docs and see your API Swagger docs.

2. Project structure

This template was made with a well-defined directory structure.

│   ├───handlers
│   │   ├───customerHandler      
│   │   ├───invoiceHandler       
│   │   ├───productHandler       
│   │   ├───saleHandler
│   │   ├───transactionHandler
│   │   └───userHandler
│   ├───middlewares
│   └───routes
│   ├───database
│   │   └───mongo
│   ├───entity
│   │   ├───customerEntity
│   │   ├───invoiceEntity
│   │   ├───productEntity
│   │   ├───responseEntity
│   │   ├───saleEntity
│   │   ├───transactionEntity
│   │   └───userEntity
│   ├───enum
│   ├───repository
│   │   ├───customerRepo
│   │   │   └───mongoRepo
│   │   ├───invoiceRepo
│   │   │   └───mongoRepo
│   │   ├───productRepo
│   │   │   └───mongoRepo
│   │   ├───saleRepo
│   │   │   └───mongoRepo
│   │   ├───transactionRepo
│   │   │   └───mongoRepo
│   │   └───userRepo
│   │       └───mongoRepo
│   └───service
│       ├───cryptoService
│       ├───customerService
│       ├───invoiceService
│       ├───paymentService
│       ├───productService
│       ├───saleService
│       ├───tokenService
│       ├───transactionService
│       ├───userService
│       └───validationService

3. Technologies/Tools

  • Golang
  • mongoDB