Private Notebook


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Learning Objectives

  • Use private routes to enforce auth
  • Redirect to an auth page if no user detected
  • Retain URL if redirected by auth failure


You and your friend are working on the next big unicorn startup: a note taking app. Your friend has built all the CRUD features for notes, but asked for your help implementing authentication. Two big issues that need to be fixed: user registration and login don't currently do anything when the form is submitted, and anyone can view the notebook (i.e. by visiting one of the following paths: /notes, /notes/:id, /notes/:id/edit). These are the two bugs that you'll need to address.

You'll need to focus on two main areas:

  • The <PrivateRoute> component right now is a standard route. What it needs is to redirect to the /login page if the user isn't signed in.
  • The Auth view has an incomplete onSubmit handler. It needs to either sign up or sign in a user by using the functions in /src/services/users.js. If signing in, and the sign in is successful, then the user's id and email should be set in the UserContext.

The Redirect (Auth) Example from the React Router docs will be helpful when implementing <PrivateRoute>.

Acceptance Criteria

  • Users are able to sign up for new accounts
  • Users are able to sign in to existing accounts
  • /notes, /notes/:id, and /notes/:id/edit redirect to the login screen if not signed in


Task Points
<PrivateRoute> implementation completed 5
Sign up functionality implemented 2.5
Sign In functionality implemented 2.5