Create function that generates an result element for each pokemonAppend elements to result display- Profit???
Add chart to page- Style chart (read docs)
- Stretch goals?
Add necessary file structureAdd basic HTML structure, initial stylingTDD app.js logicSet-up play button event listenerSet-up 'on button click' logicwire-up selected id situation
Remove unneccessary 'else' statement from capturePokemon (storage-utils.js)Go back and write tests for local storage functionsAdd grid to game window and place pokemonAdd simple styles to results pageSubmit, and move on to pt. 2
- home page (root)
- index.html
- app.js
- results page (/results)
- index.html
- results.js
- storage-utils.js (root)
- pokemon.js (root)
- build home page with
- three pokemon images
- submit button
- title
- results table
- results chart
- play again button?
- findById -- should locate pokemon from pokemon array by id
- getResults -- return the results array or empty array
- showPokemon -- increment the shown key for a pokemon
- catchPokemon -- increment the caught key for a pokemon
- make function called generatePokemon()
- generate 3 random pokemon
- call showPokemon for each
- render the Pokemon on the page
- loop through pokemon and create an element for each that contains the:
- name
- img
- times encountered
- times captured
- display elements in results display
- ???