
Simple auto-reply using Python and Tweepy. Replies with same Tweet text.

Primary LanguagePython


Basic auto-reply application using Python, Tweepy and NLTK.

To run this sample code, you'll need to install the following python libraries:

Getting Started

Create a Twitter App.

Specify your Twitter App keys and tokens in a new config file named .twitter. There is a sample config file named .twitter.sample:

key = your_api_key
secret = your_api_secret

token = your_access_token
secret = your_access_secret

rule = @AccountOwnerOfApp
account_screen_name = AccountOwnerOfApp
account_user_id = UserIdOfAccountOwner

Install dependencies:

pip install tweepy nltk

Run the python script in the project directory:

python AutoResponse.py


This is a very barebones code example to get you started. There are additional considerations you should account for in your application. Please familiarize yourself with the following to help you create the best experience for yourself and your users.

The Twitter Rules
Automation Rules & Best Practices
API Rate Limiting