
A minimal Hugo theme inspired by Murasaki, powered by GitHub Primer CSS.

Primary LanguageCSSGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


A minimal Hugo theme inspired by Hexo theme Murasaki, with responsive grid system and markdown style, powered by GitHub Primer CSS.

Live demos

GitHub Pages Demo | My Blog

Screenshot of the theme


  • Custom pagination
  • Archive page
  • Analytics
  • SEO optimization
  • Better mobile devices support
  • Multilingual


Inside the folder of your Hugo site run:

$ git submodule add https://github.com/amzrk2/hugo-theme-fuji.git themes/fuji

For more information read the official setup guide of Hugo.

Getting started

Copy the config.toml in the exampleSiteto the root of your Hugo site. Change strings as you like.

Run Hugo's built-in local server:

$ hugo server

If you want to generate your site, just run hugo or hugo --minify.

Advance configration

In-post license

You can set variables below in post's front matter to disable it:

noLicense = true # Do not show license in this post


APlayer support both global left-bottom-fixed or in-post, you can set these variables in site's config.toml or in post's front matter:

playerName = "..." # Audio title or name
playerArtist = "..." # Audio artist
playerURL = "..." # Audio URL, support aac, mp3, wav and ogg
playerCover = "..." # Audio cover

Lazyload images

Lazyload images in posts, for example in [SITEROOT]/content/post/test.md:

{{< lazyimg "This is alt text" "/img/sample.png" >}}
{{< lazyimg-row "This is alt text" "/img/sample.png" >}}
{{< lazyimg-col "This is alt text" "/img/sample.png" >}}

lazyimg will show a 16x9 placeholder before image is loaded, so lazyimg-row will show a 32x9 placeholder and lazyimg-col will show a 8x9 placeholder. You can choose different aspect ratios you want for different images. The placeholder image can be set in site's config.toml.

Note that if you use the origin markdown syntax to add images such as ![This is alt text](/img/sample.png), it will not become a lazy image.

Custom CSS (need extended version of Hugo)

You can create [SITEROOT]/assets/sass/custom.sass to cover sass variables of the theme. Just copy the variable which you need into it, check available variables below:

// colors
$color-primary: #8AA2D3; // apply to titles and icons
$color-primary-dark: #3B469B; // apply to links:hover and pagination:current
$color-secondary: #8F82BC; // apply to titles:hover, normal links, tags, pagination and sidebars
$color-mute: #9EA1A3; // apply to sub-title and post metadata
$color-spliter: #E5E2E4; // apply to divider and button background

// font size list
$font-size-logo: 2.5em; // Logo Only
$font-size-l1: 1.75em; // Primer CSS H1
$font-size-l2: 1.5em; // Primer CSS H2
$font-size-l3: 1.25em; // Primer CSS H3
$font-size-l4: 1em; // Primer CSS H4 & Normal Text

// divider css
$spliter: 1px solid $color-spliter;

// fixed-width container variables
$container-width: 900px;
// large screen / desktop (900 + (16 * 2)) <= container + gutters
$width-lg: 932px;

// font stacks
$body-font: -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "SF Pro Text", "Helvetica Neue", "Helvetica", "Arial", "PingFang SC", "Hiragino Sans GB", "Source Han Sans CN", "Source Han Sans SC", "Microsoft YaHei", "WenQuanYi Micro Hei", sans-serif;
// monospace font stack
$mono-font: "Cascadia Code", "SF Mono", "Fira Code", "Consolas", $body-font;
// the base text size
$body-font-size: $font-size-l4;

Markdown render hook

You can create the files below in your site to adjust the markdown render hook, see Hugo's Official Docs.

You can use [SITEROOT]/layouts/_default/_markup/render-link.html to decide whether or not links in the markdown content will open in new tab:

<a href="{{ .Destination | safeURL }}"{{ with .Title }} title="{{ . }}"{{ end }}{{ if strings.HasPrefix .Destination "http" }} target="_blank"{{ end }}>{{ .Text | safeHTML }}</a>

Update the theme

Inside the folder of your Hugo site run:

$ git submodule update --remote --merge


Did you found a bug or got an idea for a new feature? Feel free to use the issue tracker to let me know.


The theme is released under the GNU General Public License v3.0, for more information read the License.


Thanks to developers for creating Hugo, Primer CSS, Font Awesome, APlayer and Lazysizes with the awesome community around these project.