
This app enables users to upload an image then the app extracts the text of the image to output to the user.

This app idea is brought out of the fact that sometimes I would want to use the text of an image but I don't want to type the text all over so I can just use this solution to extract the text of the image.

The following is the output of the app


How to set up and run the app

  • clone repo:

    git clone

  • change directory to reflex_ocr_system

    cd reflex_ocr_system

  • Create a virtual environment and activate it

    python3 -m venv .venv

    source .venv/bin/activate

  • Install requirements

    pip install -r requirements.txt

  • Run the application. run the following command in the terminal to initialize and run the app:

    reflex init

    reflex run

You can read the article where I explained how I built the app: Build an OCR app using fullstack Python Framework Reflex