A good cheatsheet should provide a high-level overview of important concepts, helping to prompt recall or identify areas for review. I really enjoy creating cheatsheets to consolidate what I've learnt, so this is my own effort to collate helpful cheatsheets and references that I've found useful. I try my best to publish these in universally readable file formats on all platforms (PDF, MD, HTML).
This list will be updated regularly, so watch this space :)
Also happy to accept any contributions or corrections! Do send a PR or file an issue if you find any errata.
Other helpful resources
UseTheKeyboard - Comprehensive collection of shortcuts for Windows and MacOS applications
- - Visual roadmaps to get you started on learning new languages, frameworks and skills in tech
X in Y minutes - Community-driven overviews of various programming languages as well as DSA concepts
Command reference - Command line references for the most common shells
Tech interview handbook - Very useful for interview preparation
VisuAlgo - Visualizations and walkthroughs of common algorithms