Kindly respond to each of the questions provided here, giving particular consideration to the important notes section.
- Generate a file in the root directory of your Git repository to address all the questions provided. Ensure the file is well-organized, correctly formatted, easily readable, and understandable.
- Endeavor to solve the questions without external sources. However, if necessary, you may refer to online resources. If you do, articulate the answers in your own words.
- Use Java code within distinct packages in the IntelliJ project available in your repository for answering questions (except where explicitly stated otherwise).
- Follow the prescribed naming conventions for packages and classes (coe.unosquare.interprep.<-module name->.question<-Question Number-> e.g.: coe.unosquare.interprep.oop.question1) and Java's standard naming for classes, respectively (e.g: coe.unosquare.interprep.oop.question1.Car.class)
- Utilize any tool of your choice for drawings or diagrams, and export them as images for inclusion in the readme file.
Below you will find the questions categorized in sections.
- What are the advantages of object-oriented programming?
- For instance, when have you used interfaces and an example of a scenario where you've used abstract classes?
- How do you inherit a class in Java and other inheritance mechanisms different from 'extends' (clue: interfaces)
- What is the difference between Composition and Aggregation?
- What is the purpose of the keyword 'static'?
- Can I create a class inside another class? If so, how can I create an instance of an object of that class?
- How to avoid inheritance and an example of why I wouldn't want a class to be inherited?
- Use of the 'abstract' reserved word:
- What is Polymorphism, an example of a scenario where you've used it
- What is the use of 'override,' and 'overload' with examples as well
- What is the difference between class and abstract class?
- Are Strings native? Why? NOTE: Instead of coding, explain this with a draw or a diagram
- What operations can I perform with a String?
- Can I transform an integer into a String? How?
- How can I concatenate (join) two Strings?
- Is String a mutable or immutable class? Why? NOTE: Use another class to make the difference noticeable
- What other classes can I use for String handling?
- How do I add elements to a StringBuilder?
- What is the difference between StringBuilder and StringBuffer?
- Describe a real scenario where you've used StringBuilder and another where you've used StringBuffer.
- What steps do I have to follow if I need to convert a StringBuilder to a String?
- How can I determine if one String is equal to another?
- What is the purpose of the 'hashCode' method?
- Key keywords in Exception Handling in Java (try, catch, finally, throw, and throws)
- Difference between throw and throws
- Describe the use of finally:
- Can I use throw without using try-catch?
- Can I use finally without catch?
- Can I use try without catch?
- Explain catch block hierarchy in Java and examples of real scenarios where you've used them
- In terms of the best practices when using exception handling. Which exception should come first? Why?
- Examples of Collections you have used and how they are used. Include how to initialize it and what are its main operations (add, delete, etc)
- Describe the advantages and disadvantages of using an array. NOTE: Instead of coding, explain this with a draw or a diagram
- Describe the advantages and disadvantages of using a list. NOTE: Instead of coding, explain this with a draw or a diagram
- Describe the advantages and disadvantages of using a set. NOTE: Instead of coding, explain this with a draw or a diagram
- Describe the advantages and disadvantages of using a map. NOTE: Instead of coding, explain this with a draw or a diagram
- Explain the difference between an array and a list
- Explain the difference between an array and a map
- Explain the difference between a list and a map
- Explain the difference between a list and a set
- Can I receive objects of different types in an array? How?
- Can I receive objects of different types in a list? How?
- Can I receive objects of different types in a map? How?
- Can I receive objects of different types in a set? How?
- Can I have nulls in an array? If so, how and how many?
- Can I have nulls in a list? If so, how and how many?
- Can I have null in a map? If so, how and how many?
- In terms of performance, if I have to store 3000 trillions of numbers, what collection should I use and why?
- How can I create a thread in Java?
- How can I run one or more threads in Java?
- What is the purpose of the Executor Framework?
- Mention different implementations where you've used Threads or the Executor Framework.
- What is the purpose of 'synchronize'?
- What is a race condition? How is it resolved? NOTE: You should ALSO explain it with a draw or a diagram
- What is a deadlock? How is it resolved? NOTE: You should ALSO explain it with a draw or a diagram
- Difference between Runnable and Callable
- Describe all the steps needed to create a service based on a Customer table in Java and which operations would you use.
- What are the HTTP methods (verbs)?
- Differences between put, post, and patch.
- What's the main use of Headers?
- Mentioned 5 properties on a Header?
- What's the purpose of a Path? How it's composed?
- What's the meaning of a 200 response code?
- What's the meaning of a 400 response code?
- What's the meaning of a 500 response code?
- Mention 5 different 400 response codes and explain them
- Advantages of using Spring Framework.
- Difference between Spring Framework and Spring Boot.
- Explain what's IoC. NOTE: No code, instead use a draw or a diagram.
- Describe what the application context is.
- Explain what a bean is and its properties (at least 5)
- Describe all the different scopes of a bean?
- What is Dependency Injection (DI)?
- Explain the different types of DI.
- Explain what's Autowiring in Spring?
- Explain what's Component in Spring?
- What's the main use the @Primary annotation?
- What's the main use of the @Qualifier annotation?
- Explain what AOP is.