MicroServices (MonoRepo)


  • Entry point of incoming requests (ROUTING)
  • TODO(Impl Security)
  • Traffic control - loadbalancing ,ratelimiting, caching
  • Observability (Monitoring, logging)

Circuit breaker

  • In-case of potentially-failing method calls - circuit breaker can be applied when a certain threshold is reached

  • Learn more

  • resilience4j doc - (Circuit breaker, rate limiting, retry mechanism, bulk-heads)

  • medium

  • The goal is to improve fault tolerance -> Make the system handle failures/ continue operating despite of failures

  • The main goal is to handle faults when they occur when calling remote microservices

  • The purpose is to prevent cascade of failures by providing a fallback mechanism whn services are down or experiencing issues

  • Cascading failures - failure of one service leads to failure of other service

  • Orchestration - service disc, failure handling

  • Dependencies:

  1. Gateway - To route APIS, provide security, monitoring/metrics, resiliency (Acts as a traffic cop)
  2. Eureka Client - Enable it to read data from the DiscoveryClient
  3. Config client - Read from config server
  4. Actuator - For application metrics (exposes operational information about the running application)


  • Dependencies: Config Server
  • Centralize all configurations here

DiscoveryServer (Eureka) - service-registry

  • Each new microService must be registered to the discovery server
  • Dependencies include:
  1. Eureka Server
  2. Config Client
  3. SpringActuator(For metrics)
  • ApiGateway uses discovery server to determine the running services

Business Services

  1. ProductService
  2. OrderService
  3. PaymentService (Paypal)


  • For distributed tracing
  • Run the latest imagedocker run -d -p 9411:9411 openzipkin/zipkin