
Arduino-based screen showing various data from sensors intended for cars

Primary LanguageC++


A work-in-progress arduino car infotainment display. It currently has two temperature sensors and an AltIMU board which feeds the Arduino with an altitude and compass reading. Currently, the measuring units are the following: temperature in degrees Celsius, compass heading in degrees and altitude reading in meters. The Arduino LED (pin 13) lights on, while the sensors are being read.
I've renamed the AltIMU sensors' libraries, so their names are more descriptive (L3G, LPS and LSM303). The temperature, compass, altitude and animation refresh intervals are pretty much asynchronously configurable. Added a read timeout functionality in the LPS pressure sensor library.

The following modules are used:

  • 1x Arduino UNO r3 board
  • 2x DS18B20 water proof temperature sensors
  • 1x AltIMU board
  • 1x 16x2 SerLCD display

Currently the following libraries are used:
  • L3G gyroscope library from Pololu
  • LPS pressure sensor library from Pololu
  • LSM303 magnetic sensor library from Pololu
  • OneWire (for the DS18B20 temp sensors)
  • Dallas Temperature Control (for the DS18S20 temp sensors)

If setup correctly, the screen should display the information in the following way (without the quotes):
  • "I: 25.0 O: -5.0*"
    (input and output temperature, respectively (the star at the end will be shown, if outside temperatures are under 4.0 degrees) (also, the display will output "risk of ice" for a duration of approx. 8 seconds upon startup, if the temperatures are below the freezing point))
  • "N  358.0o 1000m^"
    (compass direction - N, NE, E, SE, S, SW, W, NW; compass heading in degrees; altitude in meters; and display refresh animation)

  1. Add a screen dim button and decide where to put it in the car.