
All the projects from 100 Days of SwiftUI, as taught by Paul Hudson (Hacking with Swift)

Primary LanguageSwift

100 Days of SwiftUI

13 projects of increasing complexity built with SwiftUI. These projects were built as part of an iOS development course taught by Paul Hudson of Hacking With Swift

Completion Certificate

100 Days of SwiftUI certificate of distinction for Emmanuel Chucks

List of Projects

  1. WeSplit
  2. GuessThatFlag
  3. BetterRest
  4. WordScramble
  5. iExpense
  6. Moonshot
  7. Cupcake Corner
  8. Bookworm
  9. Instafilter
  10. BucketList
  11. HotProspects
  12. Flashzilla
  13. SnowSeeker

Run Locally

Clone the project

  git clone https://github.com/emmanuelchucks/100-days-of-swiftui.git

Directory structure

└── 100-days-of-swiftui/
    ├── WeSplit/
    │   ├── WeSplit/
    │   │   ├── Assets.xcassets/
    │   │   ├── Preview Content/
    │   │   ├── ContentView.swift
    │   │   └── WeSplitApp.swift
    │   ├── WeSplit.xcodeproj
    │   ├── Screenshots/
    │   └── README.md
    ├── GuessThatFlag/
    │   ├── GuessThatFlag/
    │   │   ├── Assets.xcassets/
    │   │   ├── Preview Content/
    │   │   ├── ContentView.swift
    │   │   └── GuessThatFlagApp.swift
    │   ├── GuessThatFlag.xcodeproj
    │   ├── Screenshots/
    │   └── README.md
    ├── ...
    └── README.md

Open any of the projects in XCode

  cd 100-days-of-swiftui
  cd WeSplit
  xed .