
my dotfiles

Primary LanguageVim Script

emma's dotfiles


Clone this repo into your root dir, then running:


should do everything to have your terminal / vim up and running.

Can append contents of .gitconfig to your own root .gitconfig.

Updating dotfiles:

If you make an update to a dotfile and want to update your own clone of this repo you can run:


This ignores anything after "do-not-include" in your dotfiles (for machine specific things). For example, if you have #do-not-include in .bash_profile or "do-not-include in .vimrc then everything after will not be included


  • If you have merlin installed (opam install merlin), running opam user-setup install should configure Vim to use merlin

  • Configure coc.nvim language servers (e.g. for Haskell and OCaml)


  • yarn for coc.nvim
    • If this dependency is missed, :PlugInstall will not suffice -- go into ~/.vim/plugged/coc.nvim and run yarn install
  • zsh (4.9 or greater) for oh-my-zsh
  • Some things that are hopefully already installed: vim, git, clang, cmake, python2.7, curl/wget
    • For terminal inside vim functionality, you need vim 8
  • Some plugin dependencies (you can remove the relevant plugin for each of these instead of getting the dependency)
    • Nerd Fonts and then set your terminal font to an installed Nerd Font for the airline status bar to display properly. Alternatively, you can change the line let g:airline_powerline_fonts=1 to let g:airline_powerline_fonts=0 in ~/.vimrc
    • fzf for the fzf-vim plugin, super useful plugin that lets you search within your project
    • ag for fzf-vim's project search feature + for grepping
    • bat for fzf-vim's project search feature to syntax highlight file previews (optional)
    • fd for fzf-vim's file searching
    • iTerm2 (with Preferences -> Terminal -> 'Save lines to scrollback in alternate screen mode' unchecked) for the onedark.vim color scheme to look better