[WIP] Solving Burgers' equation using NeuralPDE

This case study analyzes Burgers' equation, a simplified version of the Navier-Stokes equations. It is written as follows:

du(x,t)/dt + u(x,t) * du(x,t)/dx = nu * d2u(x,t)/dx2

where u is a scalar field, nu is the diffusion coefficient or kinematic viscosity, x is the spatial variable, and t is the time. The initial condition for this problem is:

u(x,0) = -2 * nu / phi(x) * dphi(x)/dx + 4

phi(x) = exp(-x^2 / (4 * nu)) + exp(-(x - 2 pi)^2 / (4 * nu))

The periodic boundary condition is:

u(0,t) = u(2*pi,t)

The analytical solution of this problem is given by:

u(x,t) = -(2 * nu) / phi(x) dphi(x,t)/dx + 4

phi(x,t) = exp(-( x - 4 * t )^2 / (4 * nu * ( t + 1 )) + exp(-(x - 4 * t - 2 * pi)^2 / (4 * nu * (t + 1)))
