
My emacs config

Primary LanguageEmacs Lisp

.emacs.d Build Status

The pre-git history is at: https://bitbucket.org/Fuco/.emacs.d/


First, install cask

curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cask/cask/master/go | python

Then from .emacs.d directory run

cask install

This should get you reasonably close to a runnable installation.


  • etc: extra configuration files (not elisp)
  • files: configuration for various packages (elisp)
  • projects: directory with git submodules of the packages I maintain (I live on the bleeding edge :)
  • site-lisp: extra elisp functions not yet bundled in a package
  • tests: unit/integration tests for changes my configuration makes
  • themes: holds my theme (modified tango)


Emacs configuration is a program so it deserves to be tested. Show some love to your config and add tests!