
Performing sentiment analysis on Data using Inception Model. Fasttext is used for Word vectorization.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Performing sentiment analysis on Data using Inception Model. Fasttext is used for Word vectorization.

The code is a part of Test I participated in during an Interview Process. It is built around a recent paper on the topic of NLP. The paper: BB twtr at SemEval-2017 Task 4: https://arxiv.org/pdf/1704.06125.pdf

Here in -

  1. First part is -- Pre-processing of Data to remove unnecessary charactres and repetative words (Temed as Stemming & Lemmatization)
  2. Next, Trimming and padding of each sentence to MAX_SEQUENCE_LENGTH
  3. Splitting of Dataset in Training, Validation and Testing part
  4. Converted Words to Vectors using Fastext Embeddings. --> Fasttext is better as it divides the word in smaller parts (called n-grams), and then generate the model as per those n-grams. This help in cases of those words which are rarely used, OR are not present in training set. As the probabilty of n-grams repeating in vocab increases as compared to that rare word.

====== Building the Model ============

  1. Using CNN - CNN is applied using different filter sizes 2x2, 3x3 and 4x4 as per Paper. Passing thorugh Dropout layers of 50% Contatenating results of above and passing through a Fully Connected Layer

  2. Using LSTM - Birectional LSTM is applied with dropout 50% and passed through Dense Layer.