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ATIS DS Downloader

new version (fetched from yvchen/JointSLU)

After working for a while with the ATIS dataset, I noticed some issues with the data split (see atis_resplit.ipynb for details) and decided to resplit it.

ATIS dataset split

I have also found a text version of the ATIS dataset at yvchen/JointSLU, and used it for the new train/dev/test split (check atis_resplit.ipynb).

Both ATIS versions - the one from the MS CNTK and the one from yvchen/JointSLU are identical (the only difference I spotted is in the prefered tokenization of some words like I'm and I'd).

The new dataset split however omits some of the data samples (40 in total) containing uncommon slot or intent labels, and also uses different numerical ids for the labels (sorted by usage frequency). The token_id 0 is not used, so it could be assigned to a padding symbol if required.

old version (fetched from MS CNTK)

After failing to find an ATIS DS including the intent labels (the one at mesnilgr/is13 does not include them), I've written a kind of a downloader for the ATIS dataset included in the MS CNTK. The notebook at:


would download and store the DS as a pickle that could be used like this:

def load_ds(fname='ms_cntk_atis.train.pkl.gz'):
    with gzip.open(os.path.join(DATA_DIR, fname), 'rb') as stream:
        ds,dicts = pickle.load(stream)
    print('Done  loading: ', fname)
    print('      samples: {:4d}'.format(len(ds['query'])))
    print('   vocab_size: {:4d}'.format(len(dicts['token_ids'])))
    print('   slot count: {:4d}'.format(len(dicts['slot_ids'])))
    print(' intent count: {:4d}'.format(len(dicts['intent_ids'])))
    return ds,dicts

, i.e. to show the first few samples:

t2i, s2i, in2i = map(dicts.get, ['token_ids', 'slot_ids','intent_ids'])
i2t, i2s, i2in = map(lambda d: {d[k]:k for k in d.keys()}, [t2i,s2i,in2i])
query, slots, intent =  map(train_ds.get, ['query', 'slot_labels', 'intent_labels'])

for i in range(5):
    print('{:4d}:{:>15}: {}'.format(i, i2in[intent[i][0]],
                                    ' '.join(map(i2t.get, query[i]))))
    for j in range(len(query[i])):
        print('{:>33} {:>40}'.format(i2t[query[i][j]],
                                     i2s[slots[i][j]]  ))