
A social media that lets users upload doodles and browse others on the community doodlebook. Users are able to upload, like and comment on doodles on the doodlebook.

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How It's Made:

This is a full-stack CRUD application that implements the MVC architectural pattern and leverages the following technologies: JavaScript, EJS, Tailwind, Node.js, Express, MongoDB and Mongoose. The application allows for the creation of user accounts with secure authentication via Passport and enables the uploading of images through the utilization of Multer and storage on Cloudinary for efficient optimization. Each user has a unique profile featuring their own uploads and the ability to browse the centralized 'doodlebook' repository where all images are displayed.


Further optimizations include being able to add doodles to inpsiration board (like a favorites), be able to follow each other and display number of followers (maybe a different word for this though), have a board for themed challenges for doodles.

Lessons Learned:

  • Cloudinary and Multer
  • More comfortable with MVC architecture
  • EJS partials and SSR