Theatre Bills

Digitize your Playbills!

Maybe you're like me: I love my playbills, but unless they're autographed, I honestly don't want to keep them around gathering dust lol Theatre Bills comes in. Take a pic of your Playbill cover, and add details like theatre's name, title, and playwright. As the app grows, you'll be able to add more than one pic & see a map with pins of the shows you've been to!


Tech Stack

  • React with Vite for frontend
  • Node/Express for backend
  • MongoDB/Mongoose for database & schema models
  • Cloudinary for image hosting
  • Tailwind for Styling
  • Image for Logo []

Features to Come

  • Google Map (React) for a Map of where you've seen shows
  • Individual show profile, which will include
    • personal notes about the night and/or performance
    • show info link to Wikipedia (if available)
    • map of theatre location