- div.title
- h2(products)
- div.title-underline
- div.products-center
- div.products-container
- a.single-product href="product.html"
- img.single-product-img.img
- footer
- h5.name (product title)
- span.price($9.99)
- a.single-product href="product.html"
- div.products-container
- div.title
create product.html
basic structure
- (CSS Loading Spinner)[https://youtu.be/DqqZEpctZ8w]
- in .products-center
- div.loading
- p.error
(Course API)[https://course-api.com/]
(Single Product)[https://course-api.com/javascript-store-single-product?id=rec43w3ipXvP28vog]
- select .products-center
- fetch products
- log result
- try/catch
- add loading while fetching
- add error in catch
- return data from fetchProducts
- create displayProducts(list)
- create start()
- invoke fetchProducts and displayProducts in start
- invoke start
- iterate over list
- pull out all the values
- set productsDOM equal to result
- link styles.css
- a.btn.home-link(back home)
- section.product
- div.product-wrapper
- img.img
- div.product-info
- h3 (title)
- h5 (company)
- span (price)
- div.colors
- span.product-color
- p (lorem text)
- button.btn(add to cart)
- create product.js
- link product.html
- select .product
- get single product url
- setup fetchProduct(),displayProduct(),start()
- fetch single product
- setup loading and error
- make id dynamic
- new URLSearchParams
- window.location.search
- get(keyName)
- iterate over colors array
- return span with dynamic color value