Telegram bot written for convenient communication with the chatbot - ChatGPT and neural network for image generation - DALL-E.


To deploy the bot on a Linux server

  • Install PostreSQL
sudo apt install postgresql postgresql-contrib
sudo systemctl start postgresql.service
  • Install .Net
sudo apt install apt-transport-https ca-certificates
wget$(lsb_release -rs)/packages-microsoft-prod.deb -O packages-microsoft-prod.deb
sudo dpkg -i packages-microsoft-prod.deb
sudo apt install dotnet-sdk-7.0
  • Install git and dowload project
sudo apt install git
git config --global "you username"
root@s641360:~# git config --global "you email"
cd path/to/your/folder
git clone
  • Build and run project
dotnet build ChatBotGPT.sln -c Release
cd ChatBotGPT/bin/Release/net7.0
dotnet ChatBotGPT.dll


It is also necessary to create a config.json file in the folder with ChatBotGPT.dll. Example content for the config.json file:



A Handler is a class that accepts a message and reacts to it if the message meets the condition.

To create a handler, it is necessary to inherit the class from one of the interfaces from the IHandler family.

  • ICommandHandler - Handles commands (messages starting with "/").
  • IPhotoAccessibleHandler - Handles the processing of photos sent by the user.
  • ITextAccessibleHandler - Handles the processing of text.
  • ICallbackHandler - Handles CallbackQuery.


  • Handle - the main logic of the handler.
  • GetCondition - the condition for triggering this handler.
  • AccessType - the level of access to this handler.

After creating the handler, it needs to be registered in the container:

services.AddSingleton<ITextAccessibleHandler, TextHandler>();


public class HelloHandler : ITextAccessibleHandler
    private readonly TelegramMessagesService _telegramMessagesService;

    public HelloHandler(TelegramMessagesService telegramMessagesService)
        _telegramMessagesService = telegramMessagesService;

    public async Task Handle(Message message)

    public bool GetCondition(Message message)
        return message.Text == "Hello";

    public EAccessType AccessType => EAccessType.AuthorizedUser;