In iOS7 Apple introduced new face features detection to the CIDetecor.
CIDetectorEyeBlink, CIDetectorSmile
Ever since i was wondering if i could "feed" it streaming video and maybe make NEW kind of gestures- facial gestures.
This is a basic version of it:
Using cocoapods:
pod 'DSFacialGestureDetector'
or import all the files under the Detector directory to your project.
In your view controler:
#import <DSFacialGestureDetector/DSFacialGesturesDetector.h>
self.facialGesturesDetector = [DSFacialGesturesDetector new];
self.facialGesturesDetector.delegate = self;
self.facialGesturesDetector.cameraPreviewView = self.cameraPreview;
NSError *error;
[self.facialGesturesDetector startDetection:&error];
See also example project.