- 14
- 5
ValueError: No JSON object could be decoded
#23 opened by psyrendust - 8
Is the project abandoned?
#46 opened by margaritis - 24
No Completion - No Project Files Found
#22 opened by olegbl - 0
controller.js has bug!
#50 opened by zqjimlove - 1
Remove sublime-tern from Package Control
#49 opened by Spaxe - 18
Code Completion not working
#16 opened by ericterpstra - 0
Can I define the key binding of Code Completions?
#47 opened by littlee - 1
Autocompletion in HTML - tag issue
#45 opened - 0
- 14
Sublime tern hangs the editor.
#36 opened by aeisenberg - 0
- 8
Plugin causes memory leaks in ST3
#34 opened by msemenistyi - 2
Python errors when using TernJS plugin
#42 opened by vbezruchkin - 0
errror with sublime 3
#40 opened by cocodrino - 6
- 4
Failing on "Unrecognized type spec"
#12 opened by jonkirkman - 8
support sublime text 3
#30 opened by santagada - 2
Support for `.tern-project` files
#29 opened by Volox - 1
- 2
autocompletion on dot?
#38 opened by chenglou - 0
adding more def's
#37 opened by sononix - 3
Does not work in ST3.
#28 opened by Volox - 4
Node require files
#35 opened by hoagy-davis-digges - 2
Disabling TernJS on a specific file type
#27 opened by RaphaelDDL - 0
support for syntax mapping
#32 opened by ff6347 - 3
Error renaming variable
#25 opened by EhsanKia - 1
Memory usage continuously increasing
#24 opened by EhsanKia - 2
Load titanium lib
#33 opened by botmaster - 0
TernJS: Reload causes crashing
#21 opened by webuniverseio - 0
Segfault / freeze with circular symlink
#26 opened by forivall - 3
Error in is_st3 function?
#19 opened by michfield - 13
Maximum call stack size exceeded
#5 opened by webuniverseio - 1
Sublime slowdown
#20 opened by mbektimirov - 1
Add preferences for default libs
#15 opened by sergeche - 0
Invalid completions with `$` symbol
#17 opened by sergeche - 4
no attribute 'ternHints'
#14 opened by HerringtonDarkholme - 2
- 0
TypeError: Cannot call method 'request' of undefined
#10 opened by n1k0 - 1
rename variable bug
#8 opened by jfromaniello - 2
Troubles accessing the pyv8 over a proxy
#9 opened by nikravi - 2
ReferenceError: sawGetSet is not defined
#7 opened by n1k0 - 1
TypeError: Object #<Object> has no method 'trace'
#6 opened by n1k0 - 3
- 0
Server restarts on each file save
#1 opened by sergeche - 0
Improve completions
#2 opened by sergeche - 0
Better completion parser
#3 opened by sergeche