Directory Pruner
A simple script in a container that cleans up all except the most recent X files in a specified directory.
This will remove all but the most recent 40 files in /path/to/clean on your system:
docker run -v /path/to/clean:/target -e RECENT_FILES_TO_KEEP=40 emmetog/directory-pruner
Or, if you need to override the dir inside the container that is cleaned:
docker run -v /path/to/clean:/overriden-path -e DIR=/overridden-path -e RECENT_FILES_TO_KEEP=40 emmetog/directory-pruner
It's possible to get a list of the files that would be removed by setting the DRY_RUN
env var to true
docker run -v /path/to/clean:/target -e RECENT_FILES_TO_KEEP=40 -e DRY_RUN=true emmetog/directory-pruner
This will delete things from the directory you specify, permanently. So be very careful with it please. I don't accept any responsibility for what happens as a result of you using this.
To create a bunch of files in a dir, useful for testing this image, run this:
mkdir /tmp/directory-pruner-test
for i in {000..010}
echo "" > "/tmp/directory-pruner-test/file-${i}.txt"
Then run this image on it and see what happens:
# List the files before we start
ls /tmp/directory-pruner-test
# Do a dry run to see what would be cleaned up
docker run -v /tmp/directory-pruner-test:/target -e RECENT_FILES_TO_KEEP=7 -e DRY_RUN=true emmetog/directory-pruner
# Run a real cleanup
docker run -v /tmp/directory-pruner-test:/target -e RECENT_FILES_TO_KEEP=7 emmetog/directory-pruner
# List the files that are left
ls /tmp/directory-pruner-test