Domain: Cultural Heritage Preservation

The APACHE ontology models the underlying information of the APACHE Decision Support System (DSS), related to the conservation of cultural heritage. This extension of the EMMO involves mainly the representation of museums and cultural heritage objects, preventive measures and threats.


  • Proposal
  • accepted, under development
  • official

This domain ontology is a WIP, it is in the process of being accepted as a task group by the EMMC.

  • Application submitted: 1 October 2020
  • Application accepted on: TBD

What is a Domain level Ontology

Domain ontologies reuse or specialise concepts from the middle and top level EMMO and specify terms and relationships that are relevant in a domain. A Domain is a particular area of interest, such as a branch of science and technology, e.g. organic chemistry, mechanics, electronics etc.

Please refer to the Governance document of up to date information:


  • Adham Hashibon
  • Joana Francisco Morgado


Acknowledgements (WIP, if you think your name is missing, please create an issue),

The contributions from the following projects and actions are acknowledged:

  • The APACHE project is funded by Horizon 2020 under H2020- NMBP-33-2018 call with Grant agreement number: 814496


The license is the same as main EMMO CORE. "EMMO is released under a Creative Commons license Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)"