- 1
- 2
WARNING in login.component.ts depends on 'js-sha512'. CommonJS or AMD dependencies can cause optimization bailouts. For more info see:
#16 opened by Mds92 - 1
CrytoType SHA-512 and SHA3-512
#17 opened by AmrutaK1 - 1
in js-sha512/tests, .html file how to execution?
#14 opened by tmdghks9574 - 1
minimum browser version
#12 opened by 7c - 1
- 0
if salt supported
#10 opened - 1
Wrongly placed typescript types
#21 opened by nicojs - 0
Incomplete Typescript types
#18 opened by Esya - 0
Please provide an ECMAScript module
#15 opened by jfai - 3
how to Compress
#13 opened by emtry - 5
- 4
Report update progress
#7 opened by qm3ster - 1
How to unhash?
#9 opened by DaRealSh0T - 4
SHA512 HMAC Support
#8 opened by yjgaia - 1
Only for Minified file
#2 opened by albertobsd - 1
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