
Primary LanguageTypeScript

XYProtocol contracts

contract addresses

eth mainnet

eth testnet

how to develop and test

Principle of development

TDD(Test-Driven Development)

The development process must strictly follow the principle of test-driven development, write test cases first, and then write the function implementation.

Code submission requires all test cases to pass

Incremental design

Actual engineering development

Update With npm

git clone https://github.com/XYOrigin/XYProtocol.git
cd XYProtocol
npm install

The project structure is as follows

├── contracts          --- Contract source code directory, mainly store *.sol contract files
│   ├── HelloWorld.sol
│   └── ...
├── scripts            --- js script directory, mainly store deployment scripts.
│   ├── HelloWorld-deploy.js
│   └── ...
├── test               --- Contract unit test directory
│   ├── HelloWorld-test.js
│   └── ...
├── hardhat.config.js  --- hardhat configuration file
├── package.json
├── .env               --- Environment variable file (need to be created manually)
└── ...

- Automated testing

Root directory add .env file


Running Test Locally (Recommend)

npx hardhat test

Running Test On special test case

npx hardhat test --grep describeName

Running Test On Polygon Testnet

npx hardhat test --network mumbai


Deploy contract to testnet or mainnet

CD Root directory

npx hardhat run --network mumbai ./scripts/HelloWorld-deploy.ts
npx hardhat run --network bsc_testnet ./scripts/HelloWorld-deploy.ts
npx hardhat run --network bsc_testnet filePath

Record the address of the contract after deployment

HelloWorld deployed to:0x3F0528D040f31ace17a0c733469145928b9C88a4

Record 0x3F0528D040f31ace17a0c733469145928b9C88a4 to any place you like, which is convenient for the other service to call.

Compile contract ABI

npm run compile

Generate contracts to the corresponding directory structure

├── abi/
│   └── contracts/
│       ├── HelloWorld.sol/
│       │   ├── HelloWorld.json  ---abi description file
│       │   └── HelloWorld.ts    ---abi Typescript file
│       └── OtherXXX.sol/
│           ├── OtherXXX.json
│           └── OtherXXX.ts
└── ...

Copy the files in the abi/ directory to the corresponding project for use

About the abi/ directory, you can also use the npm run compile command to generate the abi/ directory, and then copy the files in the abi/ directory to the corresponding project for use.

fork chain to local

npx ganache-cli --fork https://rpc.ankr.com/eth_goerli/ --networkId 1337