
Real-Time Semantic Segmentation in Mobile device

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Real-Time Semantic Segmentation in Mobile device

This project is an example project of semantic segmentation for mobile real-time app.

The architecture is inspired by MobileNets and U-Net.

LFW, Labeled Faces in the Wild, is used as a Dataset.

The goal of this project is to detect hair segments with reasonable accuracy and speed in mobile device. Currently, it achieves 0.89 IoU.

About speed vs accuracy, more details are available at my post.

Example of predicted image.

Example application

  • iOS
  • Android (TODO)


  • Keras 2
  • TensorFlow as a backend of Keras and for Android app.
  • CoreML for iOS app.

About Model

At this time, there is only one model in this repository, MobileUNet.py. As a typical U-Net architecture, it has encoder and decoder parts, which consist of depthwise conv blocks proposed by MobileNets.

Input image is encoded to 1/32 size, and then decoded to 1/2. Finally, it scores the results and make it to original size.

Beside the U-Net like model, PSPNet like model was also tried. But it did not make a good result. Probably, global context does not have so much importance in the problem of hair recognition.

Steps to training

Data Preparation

Data is available at LFW. To download masks and images, run:

python download-data.py

Then, convert to numpy binary format for portability.

python data.py

Data augmentation will be done on the fly during training phase. I used rotation, shear, zoom and horizontal flip.


This repository contains three kinds of training scripts, transfer learning, fine tuning and full training. MobileNets is so compact that it's possible to try full training in a short time.

# Full training
python train_full.py \
  --img_file=/path/to/images.npy \

Dice coefficient is used as a loss function. Some other metrics are used such as precision, recall and binary cross entropy. Loss can be decreased soon smoothly even with high learning rate.

I also tried adding aux loss by using the segment of face part. Though, still I have not fully examined the effect of it, there maybe a little improvement of accuracy without dropping inference speed.


As the purpose of this project is to make model run in mobile device, this repository contains some scripts to convert models for iOS and Android.

  • coreml-converter.py
    • It converts trained hdf5 model to CoreML model for iOS app.
  • coreml-converter-bench.py
    • It generates non-trained CoreML model. It's useful to measure the inference speed in iOS device.
  • tf-converter.py
    • It converts trained hdf5 model to protocol buffer format for TensorFlow which is used in Android app.


  • Report speed vs accuracy in mobile device.
  • Example app for Android
  • Aux loss
  • Some more optimizations??