

Primary LanguageC#

Based on the tutorial from https://github.com/tjoudeh/AspNetIdentity.WebApi.git

  • Open the Solution is VSS. In the Web.Config, change the connection string “DefaultConnection” to a server you have access too o Eg. server=localhost;User Id=userWhoHasCreateDBPermission;pwd=Password!;Persist Security Info=True;database=AspNetIdentity.WebApi
  • Open the file Migrations/Configuration.cs, Find the ‘Seed’ method and modify the initial user that is created to whatever you want the username/pwd to be.
  • In Visual Studio, from the NuGet Package Manager Console, run the following commands: o enable-migrations o add-migration InitialCreate o update-database
  • Verify the database has been created and the expected user has been created as well.