
Game Patches for the Xenia Emulator.

Xenia Game Patches

This repository contains Game Patches available for the Xenia Emulator.


  • When submitting a game patch, make sure to create a Pull Request for a file to be added to the patches folder in the repository.

  • If the game you are submitting a patch for already has a .patch file, then create a Pull Request to edit that file instead of creating a new .patch file.

  • This new file must be named [Title ID].patch - For example, a patch file for Halo 3 must be called 4D5307E6.patch (All uppercase)

  • File must contain empty line at end of file.

Example of the contents that should be included in the file:

Example (Click to Expand)
title_name = "Rockstar Table Tennis"
title_id = "545407DF"

    name = "Rockstar Table Tennis - Crash Skip"
    desc = "None"
    author = "Gliniak"
    is_enabled = true
        address = 0x8237A3DB
        value = 0x05

For Developers

Plugins for loading Xbox 360 executables. Only useful for developers.

Breakpoints can be set in CE or MSVC with emit_source_annotations

IDA 6 XEX Loader

Ghidra XEX Loader


  1. Download the ZIP file.

  2. Extract the patches folder to where your Xenia Canary executable is located.

Image (Click to Expand)

  1. To enable patches (if they're not already enabled by default), open the .patch file that corresponds to your game's ID with a text editor (Notepad, Notepad++, VSCode, etc.), and set is_enabled from false to true

Installing individual patch

  1. Open patch file on GitHub

  2. Click Raw and save page as.

  3. Place file into patches folder.

  4. Enable patch if not already enabled by default.