
Combines the wttr.in widget based on weather and the dwall wallpaper based on time

Primary LanguageShell


This script combines the wttr.in widget (weather) and the dwall wallpaper collection (time).


6 PM


Source: https://github.com/dylanaraps/pywal

Binary: pip3 install pywal

Installation (i3 & Cron)

Install to your .config folder in your home directory (ex. /home/user/.config/widget/)

Cron: (Add to crontab)

0 * * * * env PATH=$HOME/.local/bin:/usr/bin DISPLAY=:0 DESKTOP_SESSION=i3 /bin/bash $HOME/.config/widget/widget.sh

i3: (Add to i3 config)

exec $HOME/.config/widget/widget.sh

Changing Wallpapers

To change the wallpaper, replace the $wallpaper variable in widget.sh to the name of the directory under images that has the wallpapers.

Adding Pictures

To add more pictures, create a folder under the image directory. Add all pictures to the new folder, and rename each jpg file from 0-24 hours (0.jpg, 1.jpg... 24.jpg). Example:

└── images
    └── my_wallpaper
        ├── 0.jpg
        ├── 1.jpg
- - - - - - - - -
        └── 24.jpg