
Async Remote Sprite loading from the Internet for cocos2d CCSprite

Primary LanguageObjective-C


CCAsyncRemoteSprite is a category that adds methods to CCSprite. Images can be downloaded asynchronously, and be shown in a CCSprite when downloaded. While the image is being downloaded, an optional placeholder image (CCTexture2D) can be shown.


This extension supports installing by CocoaPods. (in-progress)

Checkout Podspecs at https://github.com/CCPods/CCPods-specs

Alternatively, you can copy the files into your project.

Example Usage

    CCSprite *sprite = [CCSprite spriteWithURL:
                        [NSURL URLWithString:@"http://example.org/image.png"]];
    CCSprite *spriteWithplaceholderTexture = [CCSprite 
    CCSprite *spriteWithURLRequest = [CCSprite 
                                      spriteWithURLRequest: urlRequest 

Using CCAsyncSprite with CCMenuItemImage:itemFromNormalSprite or other objects that use CCSprite::contentSize

If you do not use a placeholder texture, you should setContentSize explictly on the CCSprite. Because the content size is unknown until the remote image is downloaded.

If you use a placeholder texture, it should have the same size as that of the remote image.


  • retina images
  • better memory management


MIT License

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