Electronic Theses and Dissertations

Primary LanguagePHP


ETD is an Electronic Theses & Dissertation site built on top of the
Fedora Commons repository.

Software Dependencies

php5, with the following components/configurations
 - browscap.ini
 - tidy
 - fileinfo
 - geoip
 - sqlite
 - ldap
 - oci8 (Oracle)
 - PHP_Shell
 - php memory limit 256MB or greater
pdfinfo & pdftohtml (version from Poppler is recommended)

For Ubuntu setup instructions, see

 - javascript xforms FormFaces implementation (included with source)
 - javascript wysiwyg editor FCKeditor (included with source)

 svn externals
 ETD depends on the following externals, which are included in src/lib:
  - Zend Framework (local copy, slightly customized - minor bugfixes
       not yet in released version)
  - Emory extensions to Zend Framework (services & extensions meant to
       be used with ZF)
  - xml-utilities (customizable xml object)
  - fedora-php (php wrapper for Fedora APIs, foxml & datastream objects
       based on xml-utilities xml object)
  - simpletest (for unit testing, external under test)
  - OFC (for admin reports), under lib/OFC (php) and public/js/ofc (javascript)

Services & Databases 
ETD makes use of or interacts with the following:
 - Fedora repository, with Gsearch
 - Solr (index based on Fedora data, populated by Fedora Generic
  Search Service)
 - LDAP authentication
 - Emory Shared Data (Oracle db)
- ETD Util DB (MySQL db)
 - Persistent Id Server (locally developed - persis/pidman)
 - sqlite3 database for ETD usage statistics
 - CSV graduation feed from Registrar (triggers publication)
 - ProQuest ftp server (electronic submissions)
 - Google Analytics

 cron jobs
 The following scripts (in src/scripts) should be run as cron jobs:
  - statistics.php : etd-specific view/download usage, based on apache
  log, stored in sqlite db; should be run daily.
  - publish.php : publication & submission to ProQuest; depends on Registrar feed;
  should be run at least weekly.
  - embargo_expiration.php : checks for expiring embargoes and sends
      various notices 60 days, 7 days, and 0 days before an embargo expires.
  Should be run daily.

Code organization
ETD is a Zend Framework application with roughly MVC structure.
The site is bootstrapped & loaded through src/public/index.php, which
hands off control & routing to the Zend Front Controller.

The bulk of the code (controllers, models, and views) can be found
under src/app.  For more details, see Zend Controller quick start documentation:

An Etd Controller base class along with a few custom controller
helpers can be found under src/lib/Etd.

Command-line scripts are found in src/scripts, and use a common
bootstrap.php to load config files and initialize services.  Data
migration scripts are in src/scripts/migrations.

Unit tests are under test/ and organized roughly comparable to src. As
much as possible, these tests can be run individually or in groups,
and can be run on the command line or via the web.

Console: src/scripts contains a console.php that loads etd models &
services (including fedora connection) and can be used as an
interactive environment (REPL).  In tests/suites there is an
equivalent console.php that loads the test environment.

Gsearch: Currently Gsearch is indexing RELS-EXT and MODS datastreams.  Due to
most objects having managed datastreams, the etdFoxmlToSolr.xslt must make
API-A-LITE calls to fedora to retrieve datastreams. The policies allow this action
from localhost only.  If in the future GSearch does not have access to localhost
the policies would have to be modified to allow access from the host making requests.

PDF File Parsing
This section describes the order (and some criteria) that pages must be in for the PDF file to be parsed correctly on submission.

* Distribution Agreement - first page
* Signature Page (This is where we pull the Title and Advisor / Committee info) - Comes after Distribution Agreement
* Abstract Cover (No Data read from this page) - Comes after Signature Page.
* Abstract Page 1 - Comes after Abstract Cover
* Abstract Page 2 (Optional - Abstract Page 2 is assumed if the next page is not the Title Page) - Comes after Abstract page 1
* Title Page - (No data read from this page) - Comes after Abstract section
* Table of Contents Page 1 (Looks for text "Table of Contents") - Comes after Title Page
* Table of Contents Additional pages (Optional - Assumes page is a TOC if it finds "Chapter" or "...<number>" EXAMPLE: "Chapter 2" "...15") - Comes after Table of Contents Page 1

Calendar Feed
Calendar information comes form a google calender feed. The url to use can be
obtained by logging into the google account and going to:
calendar -> (under My Calendars section click the down arrow)
-> Share this calendar -> Calendar Details -> (under Private Address) -> XML
you must change the last part of the url from "basic" to "full"

Removing Records
1. Look at the RELS-EXT of the main object and make a list of the associated objects  (PDF, AuthorInfo, Original, Supplemental).
2. Delete each associated object then delete the main object.
3. In PIDManager mark the pid for each main object and associated object as inactive.

Common Errors
Error: bnash3 (role=superuser) is not authorized to view Page

Edit RELS-EXT and remove refs to non-existent objects

Icon is not displayed beside Original File and when the file is downloaded it only contains "Error parsing media type 'application/msword application/msword' "

Do ONE  of the following:
1. re-save a good version of the file using MSWord in the latest docx format and replace the file in ETD.
2. Manually change the mime type of the FILE datastream to "application/msword".

After an admin uploads a file for a student the student can no longer access the ETD or the file.

Change the owner of the file object to the netid of the ETD submitter.

See also
Additional documentation is found in the  Documentation directory.

Documentation/README-Roles - summary of the roles used in ETD, and how they work
Documentation/README-Services - explanation of the Fedora services used
Documentation/README-MultiSchoolConfiguration - explanation of the per-school configuration and fields supported
Documentation/README-EmailNotifier - more information about the email notifier
Documentation/README-Solr - more information about solr