
Digital curation and preservation workbench for the Emory Preservation Repository.

Primary LanguageRuby


A repository application for digital curators (preservation, rights and metadata management, collection management). Find more about the project on our DLP Wiki

CircleCI Test Coverage User Stories

Database Authentication

In a production environment, we will use Shibboleth for authentication. However, in a development environment we will be using a local database.

In order to set up your dev environment for database authentication, you will need to set the following environment variable:

export DATABASE_AUTH=true

Local Development Setup

Run each of the following commands in a separate tab within the dlp-curate directory:

  1. Setup local Solr instance by running command solr_wrapper
  2. Setup local Fedora instance by running command fcrepo_wrapper
  3. Setup local app server by running command rails server
  4. Access the app through http://localhost:3000/

Refer to the Hyrax local development guide for more information regarding installing additional tools like Fits and ImageMagick, which are needed to enable file uploads.

Testing and CI

To run the tests locally, run each of the following commands in a separate tab within the dlp-curate directory:

  1. Setup local Solr testing instance by running command solr_wrapper --config config/solr_wrapper_test.yml
  2. Setup local Fedora testing instance by running command fcrepo_wrapper --config config/fcrepo_wrapper_test.yml
  3. Run rspec and verify that all tests pass

A second option, which has not been working consistently for local testing, is running the test suite with bin/rails ci.

For our CI we are using CircleCI that we adopted from hyrax project: Hyrax CircleCI Config

Caching manifests with localhost

In a development environment, rake task creates and caches manifests with base_url as localhost:3000.

In order to run the rake task locally and see cached manifests properly, please use port 3000 with localhost.