
Miscellaneous Python utilities from Emory Libraries

Primary LanguagePython


Documentation Status
Travis-CI Build Code Coverage Code Health Requirements Status

EULcommon is a Python module with a few small utilities that might be useful to others, but were not large or significant enough to warrant splitting out into their own repositories at this time. These components may be broken out at a later date.

eulcommon.binfile provides the capability to map arbitrary binary data into a read-only python object.

eulcommon.djangoextras consists of a small number of extensions and add-ons for use with Django, such as custom auth decorators, additional form fields, and additional HTTP responses.

Contact Information

eulcommon was created by the Digital Programs and Systems Software Team of Emory University Libraries.



eulcommon is distributed under the Apache 2.0 License.

Developer Notes

To install dependencies for your local check out of the code, run pip install in the eulcommon directory (the use of virtualenv is recommended):

pip install -e .

If you want to run unit tests or build sphinx documentation, you should also install development dependencies:

pip install -e . "eulfedora[dev]"

Unit Tests

Unit tests can be run with py.test, and include options for generating xml and coverage reports for continuous integration:

py.test --junitxml=unittests.xml --cov=eulcommon

Development History

For instructions on how to see and interact with the full development history of eulcommon, see eulcore-history.