# Mac M2
brew tap mongodb/brew
brew update
brew install mongodb-community@6.0
# Installed files
## 1. Servers: mongod_
## 2. Sharded Cluster Query Router: mongos
## 3. MogoDB Shell:mongosh
# The configuration file generated after installation
## 1. /opt/homebrew/etc/mongod.conf
## 2. /opt/homebrew/var/log/mongodb
## 3. /opt/homebrew/var/mongodb
# Running MongoDB (mongod) as a service for MacOS
brew services start mongodb-community@6.0
# Stop mongod from running as a MacOS service
brew services stop mongodb-community@6.0
# Backend Launch
mongod --config /opt/homebrew/etc/mongod.conf --fork # MacOS M2
mongod --config /usr/local/etc/mongod.conf --fork # MacOS Intel
# Verify that MongoDB is running
## 1. service operation
brew services list
## 2. backend operation
ps aux | grep -v grep | grep mongod
# Connecting to and using MongoDB
# MongoDB database tools
- Database is a collection of data
- In MongoDB context:
- Database can also be described as a physical container for collections.
- A Database can have any number of collections.
- Each database gets it's own set of files on the file system.
- A MongoDB server can host multiple databases inside it.
- Collection is a group of MongoDB Documents.
- You can relate a collection as a "Table"
Not literally but hypothetically
. - Unlike tables, Collections does not have any schema definition.
- Unlike RDBMS Database - the collections DO NOT have any concept of JOINS
However we can achieve joins functionality using Aggregations in MongoDB
- Document in MongoDB is a set of "key-value" Pairs.
- Every document in MongoDB has a unique value via Key "_id".
- Documents have flexible and synamic schema.
- Document shcema is user-defined and is not Fixed or Static.
- Documents can hold any data as along as they are valid data types in MongoDB.
- Documents within a collection can have different schema or fields.
- Documents within a collection are related data belonging to a particular subject.
- Relational Database Management Systems
- Tables, Columns and Rows
- Table
- stands for entity
- Columns
- Fields inside the table. e.g Person
- Rows - Actual Data
## MongoDB
- Single collection or more collections
- 1 or More collections together become a database
- Collections do NOT enforce any schema
- NO joins concept
- We can join multiple collections using Aggeration
- Its a set of Documents
- Can have any number of document
- Documents can have any dynamic schema
- they can be same or different
- is a simple JSON key-value pair data
- MongoDB valid document example
- Document can have any type - as long as it is valid MongoDB data type
- schema can be diffrent for diffrent documents
- User defined schema in MongoDB and they are NOT static or fixed
- MongoDB will add a key automatically for each document
- _id
"_id": "<unique-value>",
"Firstname": "Du",
"Lastname": "Emory"
"Email": "example@test.com"
"Firstname": "Du",
"Lastname": "Emory"
"Email": "example@test.com"
"Address": "Shanghai"
- Creating Databases
user <database-name>
# The newly created database will NOT visible unless we insert any document inside it.
# Make sure we see the message "switched to db" <database-name>
- Check your working space DB
- To remove Database use the command - db.dropDatabase()
- show database
- list all databases in MongoDB
- use
- select the database workspace as current working DB
- if not, it will create but it will not display till we add some collections/data inside it
- db
- show you the database you are working currently in
- To drop a database, First we need to select the DB
- use
- db.dropDatabase();
- Creating and Dropping Collections
- Creating Collections
db.createCollection(name, options)
- Dropping Collections
- To create a new collection
- db.createCollection("<name of collection">);
- To drop a collection
- db.collectionName.drop()
- Integer
- Boolean
- Double
- Arrays
- Object
- Null
- Date
- Timestamp
- Object Id
- Code
- Difference between BSJON and JSON
- JSON based databases usually return query results which can be effortlessly
parsed, having modest or nix transformation, straightforwardly by the use of
JavaScript along with most well-liked programming languages. - In the case of MongoDB, data representation is done in JSON document
format, but here the JSON is binary-encoded, which is termed as BSON. - BSON is the extended version of the JSON model, which is providing
additional data types, makes performance to be competent to encode and
decode in diverse languages and ordered fields.
- JSON based databases usually return query results which can be effortlessly
- {"name": "emorydu", "address": "Shanghai"}
- esay to parse, easy to render, most languages
- MongoDB data type
- store and process data
- Binary-encoded JSON = BSON
- And it has some extended data types which are not supported by JSON
- Date
- Timestamp
- Object Id
- Inserting Documents into collections
- Insert is used for creating new documents inside the collection.
- To insert any document into Collection.
db.<collection-name>.insert({ "name": "emorydu"})
- To insert many documents at once into collection.
db.<collection-name>.insertMany([ { "name": "emorydu" }, { "name": "lin" } ])
We can insert any number of documents into a collection
We can insert one or more documents into the collection
Ever document that we insert will have a unique key "_id"
- the value for this key is always unique and 24 character
- _id as a Primary Key in your collection
Can we change the value of _id??
- Yes, we can change it
- But -
- it is tricky
- change the _id value
- Update any document into Collection
- Update can be applied with
- update
- updateOne
- updateMany
- Update can be applied with
{ "name": "emorydu" },
$set: {
"key": "value"
{"isActive": true},
$set: {
"isActive": false
Multiple ways to Read data from collection
- find() - finds all documents in collection
- findOne() - find first document in collection
- find({"key1": "value1", "key2": "value2"}) - by setting query conditions
- findOneAndReplace({"key1": "value1", "key2": "value2"}, )
- findOneAndDelete({"key1": "value1", "key2": "value2"})
find() // return all the documents
findOne() // return only 1st document
find({"key1": "value1"});
findOneReplace({condition}, {replecement});
- Multiple ways to Delete data from collection
- deleteOne() - find all documents in collection
db.collection.find() Example: db.orders.deleteOne({"_id": ObjectId("asdfa32413dsfasd...")});
- deleteMany({condition})
- Will delete many documents at once
- When passed with empty curly brace - it will delete all documents in collections
- Example: db.orders.deleteMany({condition});
- deleteOne()
- will only delete one document based on creiteria
- deleteMany()
- pass multiple conditions to satify the document search and delete them
Conditions in Find Method
- We can use multiple operations inside the Find method
- Using operations we add more search power to Find method
Various conditions that can be used are
- Equality
- Less Than
- Less Than Equal
- Greater Than
- Greater Than Equal
- Not Equal
Using operations inside Find Method
All conditions "MUST" be satisfied in order to return the document
- $and - And operation
- Match all condition mentioned in the Find method
- E.g db.leads.find({$and: [{}, {}]})
- $or - OR operation
- Match any condition in the find method
- $and - And operation
using find method of MongoDB with Operators
lt - less than
lte - less than equal
gt - greater than
gte - greater than equal
find() - will return all the documents in the collection
Find with conditions
- Find method with multiple conditions (AND) by default
db.leads.find({"Tax": "30", "Salary": "23232"})
- Find method with tax less than 30
db.leads.find({"Tax": { $lte: "30"}})
- Find mtehod with tax greater than equal 30
db.leads.find({"Tax": { $gte: "30" }})
- Find method with $eq
db.leads.find({"Tax": "30"})
- And / OR operator with Find method
db.leads.find({$or: [{"Tax": "30"}, {"Salary": {$lte: "10000"}} ]});
db.leads.find({$and: [{"Tax": "30"}, {"Salary": {$lte: "10000"}} ]});
- Learn how to select specific fields from documents from Collection
- We need to specify the field as "1" or "0"
db.leads.find({<condition>}, {"Tax": 1, "_id": 0})