
Supplementary data of Characterization and comparison of gene-centered human interactomes

Primary LanguageR

Characterization and comparison of gene-centered human interactomes

Supplementary Material

Ettore Mosca(1*), Matteo Bersanelli(2,3), Tommaso Matteuzzi(2), Noemi Di Nanni(1), Gastone Castellani(2), Luciano Milanesi(1) & Daniel Remondini(2*)

(1) Institute of Biomedical Technologies, National Research Council, Segrate (Milan), 20094, Italy

(2) Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Bologna, & INFN, Bologna, 40127, Italy

(3) INFN, Bologna, 40127, Italy

(*) Corresponding authors.


Supplementary Code

ccf: connected component fractions

corr: correlation analysis

dgp: disease gene prediction

nd: network diffusion

pct: pathway cross-talk

Supplementary Tables

Table S3. Disease associated genes.

Table S5. Correlations.

Table S6. CCFs of protein complexes.

Table S7. CCFs of molecular pathways.

Table S8. Pathway cross-talks.