Structure Overview
- TreeTile: acts as a tree node and tile in board
- Grid: generate a board of treeTiles to specified dimensions
- VirtualTree: generate a tree based on a specified grid and a starting position. Uses BFS like strategy to create tree starting with nearest neighbours.
- BFS: accepts a root node (that should be the start tile from the virtual tree) and an endPos that is simply a cordinate on the board.
- Visualize: responsible for dom manipulation according to algorithm outputs
- App: currently just calls relevant classes. Board/ start point/ end point/ algo choice are hard coded. In the future all board setup, alogrithm choice, start/end point etc. will be user entered.
Future Work
Algo's to implement
- Swarm
- A*
- Branching paths - Done
- BFS - Done
Maze generators to implement
- Recursive
- implement user maze creation by clicking on tiles
- change grid to ignore user maze tiles
- Visualize graph
- Interactive nodes: details such as edges, position etc. on hover
Other Notes
linter up our linter
commands to run if do not have node modules
$ npm install eslint -g $ eslint --init $ npx webpack $ webpack --watch --mode=development