
synchronize transaction records between CiviCRM and Authorize.NET

Primary LanguagePHP

 * CiviCRM Authorize.net CRON Sync
 * by Chang Xiao (chang@emotivellc.com)
 * emotve LLC, 2011
 This module will attempt to synchronize CiviCRM contributions with Authorize.NET and update
 the contribution information accordingly
1. Requirements
2. Installation
3. Configuration 
4. Usage
5. Future considerations
6. Change log

 * 1. Requirements
This module requires the following:
	(CiviCRM/Drupal Requirement)
	1. Drupal Version 6.x
	2. CiviCRM < 3.4 (Versions with API V2) Or (Turn off API V3 on CiviCRM 3.4)
	3. An active Authorize.NET payment processor (live and being used)

 * 2. Installation 

 The following steps are needed to make the module work:
	1. Upload all the contents in the civicrm_authorizenet folder to your drupal 
	sites/all/modules/ folder.
	2. Enable the module "CiviCRM AuthorizeNet Sync" from admin/build/modules

 * 3. Configuration
	There is not configuration except that you need a live 
	Authorize.NET payment processor and an API login and 
	Transaction key set up in CiviCRM's backend

 * 4. Usage

	1. Set up the synchronization cron to run at your desired interval,
	it should look like
	curl -d "name=[user]&pass=[pass]&key=[civicrm_site_key]" 
	[user] = drupal user that can run civicrm cron such as CiviCRM mail cron
	[pass] = password associated with that user
	[civicrm_site_key] = can be found under sites/default/civicrm.settings.php

	The cron process will perform the following:
	If the transaction has been successfully settled (cleared), it will update the contribution record's:

	If the transaction has been voided, it will create a new contribution record with all the details of the original contribution and:
		contribution_status_id: 3 (cancelled)
		cancelled date
		cancelled reason: original transaction id
		total amount: negative amount of the original contribution
	If the transaction has been refunded, it will create a new contribution record with all the details of the original contribution and:
		trxn_id: new transaction id
		cancelled date: date the refund was issued
		cancelled reason: original transaction id
		total amount: amount refunded (might be different from original contribution because of partial refund.
		contribution_status_id: 7 (Refunded)

 * 6. Change log

1.5 Total Code Rework 4/12/2011
	Now can sync refuneded and voided transactions by creating new 
	contribution records with negative amount.
	New contribution status id 7 (Refunded) that can be used in 
	Donor detail report.
	Database logs.
1.0 Working Version: 3/23/2011