
Django 1.4+ project template layout. Run: django-admin.py startproject --template=https://github.com/lincolnloop/django-layout/zipball/master --extension=py,rst project_name

Primary LanguagePython

Django Layout

django-layout provides sane defaults for new Django projects based on established best practices. To use django-layout run the following command:

django-admin.py startproject --template=https://github.com/empanda/django-layout/zipball/master --extension=py,rst,gitignore,example project_name

This project also contains a lot of opinions on how a Django project should be setup and what apps to use. You can learn more about the choices that are made and why in the docs.


The text following this comment block will become the README.rst of the new project.

{{ project_name }}


To bootstrap the project:

virtualenv {{ project_name }}
source {{ project_name }}/bin/activate
cd path/to/{{ project_name }}/repository
pip install -r requirements.pip
pip install -e .
cp {{ project_name }}/settings/local.py.example {{ project_name }}/settings/local.py
manage.py syncdb --migrate


Developer documentation is available in Sphinx format in the docs directory.

Initial installation instructions (including how to build the documentation as HTML) can be found in docs/install.rst.