Example code for CS 260


Our goal in this section is to show examples of layout accomplished with pure HTML/CSS. There are two primary considerations: basic layout of content, and a menu system.


These examples show some basic usage of CSS Grid and Flexbox.

  • index.html and style.css: Shows a basic grid system, with header, main, sidebar, and footer sections.

  • portfolio.html and style2.css: Reuses the same grid system, but uses a flexbox within the main page area to display photos.


These examples show how to design a responsive menu in pure CSS. We borrowed heavily from a tutorial at:


There are two different styles here:

  • styles.css: mimics the styling found in the tutorial
  • styles2.css: provides a more minimalistic style, to demonstrate how to customize the menu

You can switch between these styles by removing the comments around the second CSS stylesheet link.

These examples use a basic CSS grid to layout content. We modify the grid layout with a CSS media query to make the layout responsive to different screen sizes.

You can test responsive layout using the developer tools in your browser.


These examples show how to use Bootstrap 4.

  • index.html and styles.css: Shows how to use a responsive menu from Bootstrap, with the same grid layout from previous examples.

  • index2.html and styles2.css: Shows how to make a nearly identical layout using the grid system from Bootstrap, which is based on flexbox.

  • examples.html and styles2.css: Shows various examples of Bootstrap components.


These examples show how to use Bulma.


This is an example todo list application using Vue