
A port of langton's ant to C

Primary LanguageMakefile

A port of https://github.com/bjartwolf/ant to the high level language c


Installation instructions on how to set up dev env, nothing perfect, but... This lets me run with CTRL+SHIFT+P, but I have given up any smoother workflows with debuggers for now...


One can also make many ants and see what they do https://twitter.com/bjartnes/status/1472318167678693383

Getting started

I have set this up with WSL2 and then running latest nightly Vice in Windows. I build and run with build tasks, gave up on make files.

Install Vice emulator

choco install --version 3.5.2021010401 winvice-nightly

#Install cc65 in WSL2 https://cc65.github.io/doc/intro.html

sudo apt-get install cc65

Open in VS Code and install recommended extension.

Maybe need powershell... I installed in WSL2. https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/scripting/install/install-ubuntu?view=powershell-7.2

Not sure if I had a typo in my header or I have to import sudo apt-get install clang

I added "C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\winvice-nightly\tools\GTK3VICE-3.5-win64\bin" to the path on windows, then I could run

cl65 hello.c -o hello.prg
x64sc.exe hello.prg 

to run hello world.

In this project I use Run task (Ctrl+Shift+P) and the task called build and run.

Useful https://sta.c64.org/cbm64mem.html

Using template from, but gave up on it



