
Make file doesn't seem to create required PRG file with latest changes

Closed this issue · 7 comments

Having updated everything so far to the latest version of VSCode and the VICE Debugger Extension, I am seeing now this error message:


What I cannot figure out: When I want to compile for C64, what instance in the process is actually responsible to take care of the requirement to have a PRG file (according to the error message) at the end? What am I missing?

Can you please provide a recursive listing of your project directory after trying to run the debugger, as well as your launch configuration?

If possible, a link to your project would also be helpful. Also, please make sure that you are using the latest Makefile, and that your launch configuration contains a build object, instead of the buildCwd, buildCommand, buildArgs variables.

Yes, those updates I already got in. Hope I didn't miss anything.
The repo where the project is in is here:


(Please note, my knowledge of linux, gcc, make is practically non-existing 🤷 - also ignore the batch files inside the repo.
Also note, that this once worked with the previous version.)

Recursive dir output is here:

Thanks for any help - really appreciated!!

It seems to start if you add ${workspaceFolder} into your prg/dbg/map file paths. I'll look into making it a little more straightforward. It should probably assume relative paths are from the build.cwd .

You mean in launch.json?
Gonna try this.

Yes, that does the trick!
Cool - thanks so much!

np. Glad you're using the project. Keep me updated with how things go :)