
Process some txt file and convert it to Anki note

Primary LanguagePython


Some scripts that convert a series of GRE Vocabulary books in Chinese to Anki notes.

The markdown cells of the jupyter notebooks are written in Chinese, but contain detailed explanation and walk through.

explore_all_in_one.ipynb converts the txt source file to a structured dict object.

anki_import.ipynb uses the converted dict object to generate import file for Anki.

readmdict.py ripemd128.py pureSalsa20.py are the tools to unzip mdd and mdx file. See https://bitbucket.org/xwang/mdict-analysis/overview for more details.

I share the ready to use import txt and audio files on baiduyun. You can use the example_usage.apkg to build the note type.

http://pan.baidu.com/s/1pJ5W9uF password:xgif