
Python script using fabric modules to deploy puppet over ssh

Primary LanguagePython

# __Author: Romaric Philogene @ blog.evoxmusic.fr
# __Contact: evoxmusic@gmail.com

Note : Fab2Puppet is still in developpment and I am sorry if you find the code unclear.

-------- What is Fab2Puppet ? --------

Fab2Puppet is a python tool to deploy with ease of use puppet agent from puppet master on your clients.

-------- Prerequisites to make Fab2Puppet working --------

Nota Bene : fab2puppet was implemented and tested with debian squeeze (6.0), Fabric v0.9.1, puppet client/master v2.6.2.

1°) apt-get install fabric # Install fabric from packages
2°) then unzip the content where you want on your puppet-master.

Request : I am looking for people to make it works on any platforms like Red Hat/Cent OS, ubuntu..

Before starting to use it, you must configure fab2puppet.conf


'# This command install puppet on the hostname and link it to the master.'
'  |--> fab puppet:specific_host,install

'# This command remove puppet on the hostname and remove certs on the client and the master.'
'  |--> fab puppet:specific_host,remove

'# If you just want to restart puppet agent on the client side.'
'	|--> fab puppet:specific_host,restart

'# This command list host(s) linked to the master.'
'  --> fab list_hosts

'# This command show every changes on all hosts without applying it.'
'  --> fab update:all,noop

'# This command apply every changes on all hosts.'
	--> fab update:all,apply

'# If you want watch/apply changes on hosts with regex.'
	ex : I want to see changes on host-dev, host-prod, host-poc without making them.

	--> fab update:host.*,noop
	ex : I have got prod1, prod2, prod3 and I want to match only prod1 and prod3.
	--> fab update:prod[13],noop

'# If you want to show/apply changes on a specific host.'
	--> fab update:specific_host,noop
	--> fab update:specific_host,apply