
Macro driven ui engine for Haxe NME. Use the latest release of NME



Macro driven ui engine for Haxe NME.

Supported targets: cpp (iOS, Android, Blackberry, webOS, Windows, Linux, MacOS), flash, html5

online docs on API and basic features: http://stablex.ru/ui/doc


  • Separate "view" from "controller". Create all UI via xml (but you still can create ui with plain haxe);
  • No xml parsing at runtime. All xmls are preprocessed at compile time, so your app is loading faster. Also everything is still strictly typed ;)
  • Writing handlers (plain haxe code) right in xml;
  • Really crossplatform! Works in cpp, flash, html5;
  • Only parts of framework you use are compiled to your binaries. For example if you don't use buttons, their classes won't be compilled.
  • Relative positioning (you can define position by any border of element - left, right, top, bottom in pixels or percentage of parent's size. Define width/height in percentage etc);
  • You can write haxe code right in attributes in xml to acces anything from anywhere! For example:
<Text text="'Hello world!'" x="nme.Lib.current.stage.stageWidth/2" />
  • Easy skinning with 3-slice-scaling, 9-slice-scaling, tiling with texture, filling with color, gradient fill or your own custom skin processor;
  • Don't worry about forgotten eventListeners. Just use widget.free() method to let GC destroy the object;
  • Other basic features are described in docs: http://stablex.ru/ui/doc

Few elements are implemented now. But i found that's enough for majority of mobile and web games, so i've decided to publish StablexUI.

Currenlty implemented:

  • Text: normal and input;
  • Buttons: simple, toggle, multiple states;
  • Checkbox;
  • Radio;
  • Bitmaps;
  • VBox, HBox;
  • Scroll container;
  • Progress bar;
  • Options box (picker list / drop-down)
  • View stacks (only one visible child at every moment);
  • More will be available soon ;)