Pinned issues
- 1
Under PdfSharp/Fonts/FontFactory.cs -> if i want to use both private font & platform specific font , my platform specific font wont get resolved
#180 opened by Adithya-K-Shetty - 1
Must access PdfDocument.PageCount or PdfDocument.Pages before a save is possible
#130 opened by EricMEvans - 0
Question on Digital Signatures
#167 opened by LordTrua - 2
English resources missing in NuGet package
#164 opened by curia-damiano - 2
The file is not a valid PDF Document (PDF 2.0)
#155 opened by bagsergen - 0
Inconsistent Encoding
#156 opened by bagsergen - 2
System.InvalidCastException: GetInteger: Object is not an integer when opening certain PDFs
#159 opened by adancy - 2
System.OverflowException: 'Value was either too large or too small for an Int64 On Reopening a PDF saved using PDFSharp
#160 opened by umairamin - 3
Font must use GraphicsUnit.World
#169 opened by chris-steema - 1
Asynchronous Function Calls
#131 opened by bradlis7 - 1
What is needed for creating PDF/A-3b
#125 opened by flensrocker - 3
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[Bug] page break with PDFSharp
#122 opened by lukas124 - 3
New Document Has PDF Version 0
#127 opened by timk259 - 2
XTextFormatter vertical alignment support
#132 opened by bradlis7 - 4
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Question: Is it compatible with .NET 5.0?
#136 opened by osamakawish - 5
merge several pdfs in order
#150 opened by salvadorrenato - 1
Opening PDFs from multiple threads
#149 opened by adamizbekia - 2
- 3
- 3
Converting a pdf to tiff or multiple images?
#145 opened by justinmchase - 2
Fails to open PDF document with version 0
#142 opened by tyler-boyd - 7
- 14
Is this project now abandoned?
#151 opened by stap123 - 4
- 2
- 1
pdf fails to open
#166 opened by KlaskSkovby - 4
Compressed PDF not working properly
#172 opened by MohammedMubeen - 1
Copy a PDF Page Into Another PDF Page Box
#173 opened by mxmissile - 2
Unexpected token 'eÐóù' in PDF stream. The file may be corrupted. If you think this is a bug in PDFsharp, please send us your PDF file
#175 opened by Arun1989ninja - 3
PDFsharp watermark can be remove!!!
#176 opened by mustafaxoodiye - 0
- 0
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#177 opened by GovindRulz - 1
Using PDF Sharp in a .NET project
#174 opened by hajerkr - 0
Unable to Change Visibility
#170 opened by c3rebro - 0
Multiple signature
#165 opened by AYGTX - 2
Error while parsing an OpenType font
#168 opened by chris-steema - 4
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Question about Merge PDF Files
#163 opened by Kensuke-Ota-SRA - 2
Invalid entry in XRef table
#154 opened by bagsergen - 0
Digital Signature
#153 opened by Xzuner - 3
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SharpZipLib license
#141 opened by Kingdom-Of-Heaven - 1
Sample projects no longer available for download
#134 opened by MegaMech - 2
Same identity of DLLs
#133 opened by jochenwezel - 0
Incorrect size of pdf page in landscape orientation.
#128 opened by Daeamon - 1
Azure function error
#124 opened by williammsouza - 3
Support for .NET Standard 2.0 with minimal effort
#120 opened by rmacfadyen