
Curated list of awesome OpenMage extensions, resources and other highlights

MIT LicenseMIT

Awesome OpenMage Awesome contributions welcome

Curated list of awesome OpenMage extensions, resources and other highlights.

Most important resources for new projects

Install OpenMage

  1. Configure your web server (virtual host or subfolder of a domain)
  2. Create the folder where you want to install OpenMage, enter it and execute
    composer require "openmage/magento-lts":"^20"
    it will automatically download the latest v20 release then ask for the OpenMage root directory, my suggestion is to use . (the current directory)
  3. open your web browser and navigate to the URL you configured in point 1, the web installer will take care of the rest


To read

To watch


  • Magerun: provides a huge set of well tested command line commands which save hours of work time.
  • PHPStorm: the best IDE for OpenMage
  • Magicento: a plugin for PHPStorm than enables great features targeted to OpenMage development


This list is organized in alphabetical order.




Image processing

Payment methods
