
Notification system for any ES6 project

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Notifications system for any ES6 project. Easy to initialize and use. Can use localStorage to save all closed custom made notifications.

Adds itself to the DOM, create each notification item and removes it after time ended, when closed.

Easy, clean, fast.


Initialize, i.e., Notification.js

import NotificationsSystem from './src/Notifications';

const Notification = new NotificationsSystem({}); // pass custom properties

export default Notification;

Include where needed, i.e., AddItem.js

import Notification from './Notification';

Notification.create(); // will show notification with default parameters

Default parameters

Initializing class

new NotificationsSystem({ container, className, useLocalStorage, localStorageName, limit });
Name Type Default Description
cotainer string 'body' DOM element identifier, where notification system main container will be placed
className string adds custom class to notification system main container
useLocalStorage boolean true enable/disable localStorage usage
localStorageName string 'notifications' name under which closed custom notifications will be stored in localStorage
limit integer 0 Sets limit of maximum active notifications

Notification creation API with defaults

  • Notification.create({ type, title, message, time, name, save });
  • Notification.info({ title, message, time, name, save });
  • Notification.success({ title, message, time, name, save });
  • Notification.warning({ title, message, time, name, save });
  • Notification.error({ title, message, time, name, save });
  • Notification.clearClosedList();
Name Type Default Description
type string 'info' Define notification type
title string 'Title' Title for the notification
message string 'Message' Message for the notification, can be a string or jsx for extra html
timerOrName number/string 1000 Determine if notification times out (pass number in ms) or stays until closed (with custom name)
save boolean false Tells if notification on close should be stored in memory


success type notification with additional html in the message for 1000ms:

	title: 'New item', 
	message: '<p>Added new item with name: <b>javascript</b></p>'

error type notification for 4000ms:

	title: 'Error', ,
	message: 'Please do not do that!', 
	time: 4000

info type notification, stays until closed, save notification name in localStorage, when closed:

	title: 'Important information', 
	message: 'Read me all!', 
	name: 'info1',
	save: true

Clear all stored notification names from memory, and localStorage if enabled:


Storing in memory

If save is passed as true, then on close (automatic or manual) this notification name will be stored in class private array. Store in localStorage - optional feature, when used stored custom made notification names in localStorage. Usefull, when need to show notification only once to user.