
Demonstration of the data visualisation possibilities for the Draw My Life project.

Getting started

  • git clone https://github.com/empowerhack/DU-data-viz-demo.git && cd DU-data-viz-demo

Yarn: Your new favourite package manager

  • You'll need to have Yarn installed globally on your local machine. This can be installed via homebrew
  • To install all the dependencies for this project you will need to yarn install on the command line
  • To add a dependency yarn add {dependency} on the command line.
  • If it's a development dependency add the flag --dev. Example yarn add {dependency} --dev to save to the package.json
  • If it's a production dependency add the flag --save. Example yarn add {dependency} --save to save to the package.json

Task running

No time for bells and whistles, we're using good old NPM. It's best to have the node server and watcher/builder running at the same time, so you will need two terminals for this.

Node server

We are using lite-server as our node server to serve our web app, opens it in the browser, refreshes when html or javascript change.

Command: yarn run dev

Watching and Building

Using watchify we are watching the src directory for changes and transpiling the ECMAScript 6 code to back down to ECMAScript 5, so that the browser can understand. The transpiled bundle is then moved to the public/js directory

Command: yarn run watch:bundle


We can deploy straight onto our gh-pages branch by running the command yarn run gh-pages. This will deploy the public directory to the gh-pages branch.

Command: yarn run gh-pages