When develop CEP Panels in Photoshop, we use Javascript DOM API to communicate with the host, It's easily understood and used, but insufficient interfaces offered to accomplish complex works. There is another way call "Action Descriptor" which is more powerful and comprehensive, while extremely confusing to learn and use.
This project wraps the AM codes and build a friendly use js api to offer powerful and sufficient interfaces for Photoshop plugin development.
This project is written in TypeScript. If you use ts in your codes, just clone this project and import the source code as you want.
import the index.ts file in your project
import { Document } from "./photoshop-script-api/src/index";
const doc = new Document();
In plain javascript way, you can install the npm module which has been compiled and published.
install the module from npm
npm install photoshop-script-api
include the main.js file in your code
#include "./node_modules/photoshop-script-api/dist/main.js"
var a = new $.Application();
This module includes some Classes listed below
- Application
- Document
- Layer
- Artboard
- History
- Rect
- Selection
- Shape
- Size
- Color
- Stroke
- MetaData
- Text
more will be added in future
in order to avoid namespace conflict, all class names are prefixed with "$", so you can use them like this
var app = new $.Application();
each Class offers some useful api to make things happen, you can check out the code to get more detail.
below snippets are some simple examples to demonstrate how to use the api
Application indicates the Photoshop application itself, it offers some useful api to get the application information
var theApp = new $.Application();
// open a file
// get the host version
theApp.getHostVersion(); // CC2022
// get the host installation path
theApp.getApplicationPath(); // /Applications/Adobe Photoshop 2022/Adobe Photoshop 2022.app
Document indicates the opened document in Photoshop, it offers some useful api to get the document information
// get current active document
var doc = $.Document.activeDocument();
if (doc == null) {
alert("no doucment opened");
alert(doc.name()); // alert document name
$.writeln(doc.length()); // document size in bytes
doc.trim(); // trim document transparent area
Layer indicates the layer in Photoshop, it helps you to manipulate the layer easily.
// get selected layers
var layers = $.Layer.getSelectedLayers();
for (var i=0; i<layers.length; i++) {
var layer = layers[i];
$.writeln(layer.name()); // layer name
$.writeln(layer.index()); // layer index
var layer = $.Layer.getLayerByIndex(10);
layer.setName('an awesome name'); // set a new name for layer
var bounds = layer.getBounds(); // get the postion & size of the layer
var size = bounds.size();
$.writeln(size.toString()); // 200 x 100 ( output layer size)
layer.hide(); // hide the layer
layer.show(); // show the layer
layer.select(); // set select the layer
layer.toSelection(); // create a selection with the layer bounds
layer.rasterize(); // rasterize the layer
// you can also use codes like jQuery
Selection indicates the selection in Photoshop. You can create or get the selection and manipulate it.
// create a selection
var bounds = new $.Rect(100, 100, 100, 100);
var selection = new $.Selection(bounds);
Canvas makes easy to draw shapes in document
// we create a canvas to hold shapes
var canvas = new $.Canvas();
// create a circle
var circle = new $.Circle(new $.Point(100, 100), 50);
// create a rectangle
var rect = new $.Rect(100, 100, 100, 100);
// create a line
var line = new $.Line(new $.Point(100, 100), new $.Point(200, 200));
// add shappe to canvas
// we set the color of the shape
// we paint
Guide wraps the guide api in Photoshop, it helps you to create or remove guides easily.
// create a guide
$.Guide.add({position: 10, direction: 'horizontal'});
// get all guides
var guides = $.Guide.all();
for (var i=0; i<guides.length; i++) {
var guide = guides[i];
History offers some useful api to manipulate the history stack in Photoshop.
// step backword
// go to the history state
// save the current history state
// and do your stuff, then restore the history state
// do your stuff here...
Text wrap a new Class to handle the hard code of ActionDescriptor to create text layer in Photoshop.
// create a text layer in canvas
var text = new $.Text("Hello World");
text.setTextClickPoint(new $.Point(100, 100));
other classes are similar to use, you can check out the code to get more detail.
if any questions, please post an issue.
- add Canvas class
- add Guide class
- add Text class
- add fx modules with ColorOverlay, DropShadow, GradientFill and Stroke
- add two tools (Move, Ruler)
- change Color to SolidColor
- add GradientColor support
Ten years Software Engineer from China, former Senior Engineer of Baidu Inc. Head in web, mobile, media development, in love with design. Have several welcome products for designers in China.